America’s Chernobyl: Observations From An Unabashed Conspiracy Theorist

Our friends at the CDC began a probe in January specifically targeting the effects of vinyl chloride on human health. Coincidentally, days later the largest test case ensued. 70 days before the nightmare that has befallen East Palestine, a movie filmed in the areas surrounding East Palestine was released. “White Noise” included residents of East Palestine in the film. The plot was a train crash that resulted in a cloud of chemical waste over the town where an “Airborne Toxic Event” forced a mass evacuation.

We have some interesting connections with Ukraine and the 2024 solar eclipse as well. My first post in over two years, perhaps it’s that interesting or by the grace of God I’ve begun again to focus on the playwright rather than the actors. It’s probably both.

The astute observer has become increasingly adept in identifying certain patterns that exist surrounding major stories. While most of these patterns should be discernible by anyone, far too many have become compromised by the incessant song of fools. A cacophony of artificial script readers devoid of dignity, soulless and without love for truth.

UFO’s and hot air balloons dominated the medium of programming after a mushroom cloud reminiscent of Nagasaki blanketed a small Ohio town. The only reporter asking questions was dramatically carted away in handcuffs. Nothing to see here = strap on the scuba gear let’s go for a dive.

One who has escaped the deluge of propaganda is aware of the concept of predictive programming. Programming on one level, acclimates the target to experience an emotional response to fictional events. Just as an alcoholic becomes increasingly immune to the effects of a few drinks, so too the normie when their outrage barometer has become throttled by dopamine through false reality. While present almost universally, predictive programming is a sedative, it says don’t get too outraged, this is relatively normal.

What we are witnessing now is shot calling akin to Babe Ruth pointing into the stands in the 1932 World Series. The brazen nature of what is taking place is meant to demoralize oneself and cause them to feel helpless. Everything is a humiliation ritual. It serves a purpose and it is effective if your hope lies in the past, what was once seen. What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? Vote harder?

Recent shot caller examples Fauci and Gates.

January 2017: Fauci declared in no uncertain terms that there would be a deadly pandemic during Trump’s administration.

February 2017: Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People.

Astonishing but not surprising is something I’ve found myself saying a lot lately. Prior to Covid a global pandemic simulation called Event 201 took place. Event 201 took place on October 18, 2019, the very same day the World Military Games held their opening ceremonies in Wuhan, China of all places. This was the first such event to take place in Wuhan. 10,000 athletes from over 100 counties would attend.

  • October 18, 2019 Event 201 simulated a global coronavirus pandemic
  • October 18, 2019 World Military Games holds their opening ceremonies in Wuhan.
  • January 20, First confirmed case of the coronavirus in US
  • January 21, Dr. Fauci says “This is not a major threat for the people in the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
  • January 22, Netflix releases “Pandemic: How To Prevent an Outbreak

“America’s Chernobyl” takes place while America is escalating the war in the land of Chernobyl as that land fights the country who was responsible for the original Chernobyl disaster.

We will cover the 2 most remarkable “coincidences” I have stumbled across thus far involving East Palestine. Additionally, I will include some honorable mentions and simple observations that will only be appreciated by the hardcore crows.

  1. Days before the East Palestine train derailment that included 14 cars carrying vinyl chloride the CDC released a “Toxicological Profile for Vinyl Chloride, Draft for Public Comment.” 
  2. A movie was released in 2022 where a cataclysmic train accident casts a cloud of chemical waste over the town. This “Airborne Toxic Event” forces a massive evacuation, which leads to a major traffic jam on the highway. Many of the extras were East Palestine residents as it was filmed in and around Salem.


Vinyl Chloride

Why did one of the largest ecological disasters in US history have to involve vinyl chloride and why did it have to be 3 days after the January 2023 CDC report?

Vinyl chloride, a substance most never heard about until East Palestine, was #4 on the 2022 priority list after arsenic, lead and mercury.

The CDC really wants to learn about how this substance impacts human health. Toxic substances don’t usually lend themselves to large double blind placebo human studies. How convenient that tens of thousands were just exposed to its various forms from a perspective that will allow for observations far beyond any lab setting.

This is reminiscent of another theory that has been floated about regarding mass experimentation of an untested drug through which the CDC effectively executed a bait and switch faux approval to a grossly unsuspecting population.

Below are some screenshots of note from the 293 page report.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is a federal public health agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The agency focuses on minimizing human health risks associated with exposure to hazardous substances. It works closely with other federal, state, and local agencies; tribal governments; local communities; and healthcare providers. Its mission is to “Serve the public through responsive public health actions to promote healthy and safe environments and prevent harmful exposures.”

White Noise (1985 + 2022)

“random talk without meaningful contents”

A metaphor for the propaganda to which many of us have become immune, through the employment of God given attributes such as logic and common sense. After a while it’s just white noise. A frequency that hums in the background.

When I hear the phrase “white noise” I think “song of fools”. It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools – Ecclesiastes 7:5. Much of what has become of us is a result of the gravitational pull that lies in one’s desire to feel validated by others no matter how vapid. This is white noise, the song of fools.

The term is sometimes used as a colloquialism to describe a backdrop of ambient sound, creating an indistinct or seamless commotion. Following are some examples: Chatter from multiple conversations within the acoustics of a confined space. The pleonastic jargon used by politicians to mask a point that they don’t want noticed. Music that is disagreeable, harsh, dissonant or discordant with no melody. The term can also be used metaphorically, as in the novel White Noise (1985) by Don DeLillo which explores the symptoms of modern culture that came together so as to make it difficult for an individual to actualize their ideas and personality.

The train derailment took place exactly 70 days after White Noise premiered in the US.

How many movies have as its central plot a cataclysmic train accident that casts a cloud of chemical waste over the town where an “Airborne Toxic Event” forces a mass evacuation?

Further, what is the likelihood that it was filmed in and around a 50 mile radius of the event it foretold and that it would include residents of the small town as extras?

White Noise (1985 Novel) The exact geographical setting of White Noise is unidentified, but elements of the novel evoke the Midwestern United States, especially the Rust Belt and Upper Midwest. The fictional Iron City shares its name with the Pittsburgh beer company of the same name. Critic John Pistelli wrote that a Midwestern setting was “thematically appropriate to the novel’s concern with the vanishing of labor and laboring know-how.”

East Palestine family cast as extras in a Netflix film call train derailment ‘eerily similar’.

Not only was the event itself an exceedingly rare occurrence at scale, but it’s proximity both in time and space is in the realm of  astronomical probability. A thinking individual is left to conclude either it was yet another astronomical coincidence or it was planned. To continually believe in repeating astronomical coincidences is delusional.

Additional Thoughts and Observations…

America’s Chernobyl

Chernobyl was an environmental disaster in Ukraine. Russia built the nuclear power plant. Russia invades Ukraine. The US funds the war and is the reason Russia is still fighting. Ukraine is and has been a US money laundering operation. US has its own Chernobyl.

Russia invaded Ukraine 7 years, 7 months and 7 days after the 777 was shot down over Ukraine.

MH17 was shot down on 7/17 in 2014.



The train derailment took place 11 months and 11 days from the day the Russian invasion in Ukraine began.

11 is the number for chaos and disorder. It is the demolition of all spheres of existence causing people to demand order. The insanity becomes such an egregious violation of natural law that it necessitates some form of order.

As far as I know Malaysia Airlines is the only airline that has a trident as its symbol. Likewise, if there is another country known by the trident it is certainly not as recognizable as Ukraine.

This is important because the trident is the symbol of Poseidon. Poseidon is the name of the torpedo Russia has deployed that is able to create a radioactive tsunami.

Russia produces first set of Poseidon super torpedoes.

Satellite revealed the carrier of Russian nuclear ‘monster’ Poseidon.

Further, Poseidon is the “Beast of the Sea”.

Poseidon is a symbol of the antichrist. The antichrist is set to take the stage.

Adding to the chaos and disorder theme we see Shiva with the trident or trishula outside of CERN.

God of All Things = GOAT

Greatest of All Time = GOAT

Baphomet = Goat god


In under 1 month we see multiple record breaking chicken farm fires and an avian flu scare where chickens are being put to death. We have have chickens that stopped laying eggs from poisoned feed from a company where the board has ties to WEF and Jeffrey Epstein. We have studies that demonstrate eggs can help the bodies immunity against Covid and simultaneously a fear campaign talking about prostate risk and mortality. At the same time the vegan egg is rolled out.

Now we witness the largest ecological disaster in the history of the midwest in the very heart of the largest egg production in the nation where the largest population of self sustaining organic farmers (Amish) reside.

Vinyl chloride ‘highly mobile in soils and water.’ East Palestine area farmers advised to test crop sites.

“My video camera footage shows my chickens were perfectly fine before they started this burn, and as soon as they started the burn, my chickens slowed down and they died.”

75,000 farms in Ohio, 90% of which are owned by families.

Top 10 egg producing states 3 of top 4 directly impacted this explosion.

A row of birds dead show up in Indiana, part of the fallout zone.

Here is a parking lot full of dead birds in Lexington, KY 350 miles away from East Palestine…

The area poisoned is Amish country. There is no people group in the US less dependent on the state than the Amish. The federal government raided Amish farmers in August 2022The Biden administration recently sent armed federal agents to Miller’s Organic Farm and demanded the farm cease its operations immediately. The authorities also ordered $300,000 in fines, an amount enough to put the small, family-owned farm out of business.

Chemical Warfare Against The Amish. In this thread we’ll examine why the East Palestine Ohio ‘Chemical Accident’ may have been a coordinated attack from state actors to harm the agricultural community known as “The Amish” by poisoning the rainwater & arable land in the area.

Eggs are the least expensive and most bioavailable source of animal protein and it is not even close.

Eggs protect against Covid. If you don’t want to believe that healthy foods strengthen your immune system against Covid and everything else you can Google to find a slew of fact checkers debunking the articles below.

Dairy-Derived and Egg White Proteins in Enhancing Immune System Against COVID-19.

Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2.

Shanghai veteran doctor says eating four eggs a day can help COVID-19 patients recover.

Chicken egg yolk antibodies (IgY)-based antivenom for neutralization of snake venoms: a review.

You are to believe that all the chicken farms getting torched are just a coincidence as well. These are just two of the recent ones less than a week apart. Food Processing Plants And Distribution Centers Are Burning Down. *UPDATE 11* One Of Largest US Egg Suppliers Burns Down.

New Zealand A fire at a chicken farm in Orini has killed 50,000 egg-laying hens.

Multiple companies battle fire at egg farm in Bozrah.

Tractor Supply Chicken Feed Reportedly Causing Egglaying to Stop, Board has Ties to WEF, Jeffrey Epstein.

An ‘unprecedented pandemic of avian flu’ is wreaking havoc on the U.S. poultry industry. Humans may be at risk too, experts warn.

Chicken farmers on social media suspect tainted chicken feed could be why laying hens have suddenly stopped producing eggs.

Are truckers getting paid to dump eggs?

Vegan Egg Makes Its Debut in US Restaurants This Week

Why do they start with the nonsensical egg fear mongering right as they are torching egg farms? I try to eat a dozen per day so I find this quite annoying. Eat bugs, take your shot and avoid animal protein. Why I Eat 4 to 5 Eggs a Day – Eggs and Cholesterol – Dr.Berg on Benefits of Eating Eggs.

East Palestine, It’s Pretty Biblical

East Palestine was founded in 1828 as Mechanicsburg, and incorporated as a village in 1875 as East Palestine after the region of Palestine. The name was changed as part of a religious nomenclature in the area, including communities such as Enon Valley and New Galilee, Pennsylvania.

East Palestine vs Palestine, East Jerusalem, known as Gaza.

East Jerusalem = Palestine.

It is part of the Salem micropolitan area.

The Great American Eclipse in 2017 crossed over 7 Salems.

America’s Chernobyl took place 430 days before the Great American Eclipse #2 which takes place on April 8, 2024.

430 years is mentioned specifically as the number of years when God fulfilled his covenant to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt.

And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. Galatians 3:17

The “X” or point of intersection between the two eclipses that cross over the United States on August 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024 is known as “Little Egypt”.

X is a cross. It is also “Tav” in ancient Hebrew.

Tav is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The King of Kings is known as The Alpha and Omega, The Aleph and Tav, The First and The Last. He has no beginning and His soon coming reign will have no end.

Conclusion – Liberty and Noise

This image from East Palestine says much. Many things come to mind from this picture but rather than make this much longer I would like to hear your thoughts and we can discuss in comments.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17

In closing, I speak as much to myself as I do any of you. These last couple years have been taxing as my mind attempts to corral the incessant rush of insanity. In the midst of the noise I was comfortable aligning myself with the right side, that is the side of logic and sanity.

As if I was to expect the end would look any different. What was I going to do? Come up with a set of data points to prove that we are being lied to and convince those who embrace the lies to join team truth? Were my efforts going to stop the inevitable rise of evil? Perhaps it was fatalism under the bombardment of gaslighting. Or a god complex thinking I could turn back the tide and in the process ended up doing nothing but buy storable food and test my wife’s patience by pacing around ranting.

I appreciate what America was and the purpose it served throughout history. It wasn’t until more recently that I grew to understand how truly unique any form of liberty was within a nation state. Tyranny has always been the order of the day but for the brief exception that was The United States. United no more, divided we fall. We have fallen.

Many with whom I would say align with my beliefs politically tend to embrace a false hope. This is delusional and a part of them knows it as well. An eternal optimist and a fighter never wants to admit defeat. They believe hope against hope. There is no honor in folding it in but there is a glory in understanding the times.

Let us understand the times and embrace the only hope offered us. Liberty built upon an idol of the past is nothing but bondage to an idea rooted in temporal pleasure. The forces of darkness have amassed in great number. The eye of Sauron is fixed upon us but for a short season. This battle was never intended to be fought by human might, the sword of man cannot continually hit the pause button on what has been decreed.

Let us embrace this new season, the brief final chapter of the age with liberty in our hearts.

It seems to me that we often, almost sulkily, reject the good that God offers us because, at that moment, we expected some other good. Do you know what I mean? On every level of our life…we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. God shows us a new facet of the glory, and we refuse to look at it because we’re still looking for the old one. And of course we don’t get that. You can’t, at the twentieth reading, get again the experience of reading Lycidas for the first time. But what you do get can be in its own way as good.

And the joke, or tragedy, of it all is that these golden moments in the past, which are so tormenting if we erect them into a norm, are entirely nourishing, wholesome, and enchanting if we are content to accept them for what they are, for memories. Properly bedded down in a past which we do not miserably try to conjure back, they will send up exquisite growths. Leave the bulbs alone, and the new flowers will come up. Grub them up and hope, by fondling and sniffing, to get last year’s blooms, and you will get nothing. “Unless a seed die…” CS Lewis, Letters to Malcom


















102 thoughts on “America’s Chernobyl: Observations From An Unabashed Conspiracy Theorist

  1. Laura

    Good to see you back. You are not alone. Like Elijah was told there are yet 7000 that have not bowed the knee. It makes sense if we are scattered like salt that we will be scattered not in a pile together. Your vision and insights are important to the Body.

  2. Stewart

    As a member of the Daily Crow, I love to see how you connect the dots with day and year counts.

    Revelation 8 came to mind while reading this.

  3. Dee

    I had wondered if you were still out there! So glad you posted again! And yesterday and this morning, my thoughts were on the train derailment, because I heard of it and had a nagging eery feeling about it, but had not received any more information on it…we don’t really listen to the news. I don’t concentrate on much that is going on in the news, so this was weird. And today, here’s your post. Praise Yah for giving you the urging to put it out there. Thank you for sharing your insights, I’ve missed them!

  4. Larren

    216 is a significant but hidden number in scripture. It is a number that points to and defines Jesus and His love for us. How fitting you decide to return to the scene on 2/16. Shocked but very glad to see your post in my email this morning. Hang in there. The USA is very prophetic and she won’t be going down for good. There’s a reason why we are in the middle of the name JerUSAlem. The division in the work today is nothing more that Father separating the goats from the sheep. Also note that when wheat and barley mature they bow over as the sun (SON) has his way on them and prepare them for harvest. Tares on the other hand stand up high just like the cocky tares of the today. They stand out like sore thumbs and will be easy to know, see and be pulled up during the harvest season. Folks, don’t be tares!

  5. Paul Jarrett

    Thanks, Matt. So good to hear from you. I’ve been following these same stories. It’s clear to see the involvement of those who follow the spiritual enemy whether human or angelic. All are headed to the Lake of Fire although the humans could still turn around if they choose to follow our Savior.

  6. RAFO

    Matt, So good you’re back… you’ve been greatly missed! This may sound strange, but God has given me the gift of precognition, which He’s still teaching me to recognize and use. I knew two days ago this article would be posted today and yesterday it was revealed that part of the article would have information on the coming total eclipse in 2024 (incidentally there’s an annular solar eclipse that will cross North America North to South on Oct.14, 2023). I receive precognitive impressions anywhere from minutes to several days before an event happens. I’m not quite sure at this point how this brings glory to God, but as I progress in this gift, along with the gift of prophecy, knowledge and discernment, it is my prayer this gift will be used eventually to glorify the Lord and edify His people. My wife and I are active in a church right now that DOES NOT believe in the gifts of the Spirit, but it has not always been so. We’re looking for a body of believers where the Spirit can move… but not one where the people swing from the rafters or jump pews, if you know what I mean. Anyway, God bless and your reappearance at this point in time is not by accident!

    • RAFO

      Just a brief update to my previous post…. At the end of your post you spoke of “liberty of the heart”. This is the type of Liberty believers will, or should, experience going forward in time. I grew up in a different America… the America of the 50’s and 60’s.

      I remember saying the Pledge of Allegiance each morning and a student led school prayer coming over the intercom. I remember standing facing a large poster of all the Presidents in my fourth grade classroom, when on November 22, 1963 an announcement was made to the school that Kennedy had been shot. My young mind couldn’t quite comprehend what that meant for the nation, but “things” changed that day for this country, and not for the better. It has been proven extensively since that fateful day Oswald didn’t kill John Kennedy, our own government did. He was the patsy… the fall guy… silenced by agent Jack Ruby. Since then our nation has been on a seriously descending roller coaster ride with no upswing. We’re almost to the bottom… our nation is burnt toast. Liberty that I once knew as a child and younger adult is almost gone. The Liberty of the Heart that Jesus Christ provides is all that will be left, but it’s enough to escort me and others like me into His eternal presence. Again I tell you, your last post was Providentially created and timed, as will be the next one you’re formulating even now. God bless!

  7. Erika Peacock

    Feeling depressed by some current life circumstances but was excited to see this in my email! This may sound strange but I feel better after having read it & the comments from my brothers & sisters. Thank you God for Christ followers who are paying attention and who so powerfully put it into writing! Good to see you back and God bless!!

  8. Kathi Lee Dean

    SO glad to hear from you again.

    There is a fatiguing in attempting to make chaos into order, even if it is the mind. But there is a great calm amidst the chaos in the center of His hand, like the eye of a hurricane. I so like your idea of remembering the past, not idolizing it. I have been thinking over the past couple of days what a lovely country this was to grow up in, in my case in the 50s and 60s. I am humbled that I was chosen to live at this time, the end of all things. I can’t yet imagine why, but I will know one day.

  9. Daughter of Babylon

    Americans suffer from learned helplessness; which has its roots in Christianity.
    They feel too utterly helpless & hopeless to save themselves; they are waiting for God or the State to do it for them.
    It is this mentality of inertia that breeds a nation of non-thinking slaves.

    In other words, “do not take action to eradicate evil; wait for a “god” to do it for you”.
    This is why Christianity is such a dangerous “religion”; because it paralyzes action and will; and reduces the participant in the cult to an entity with zero volition; entrophy incarnate.

    A Christian comments on Leanred Helplessness:

    “Many years ago, I took some classes on psychology. One of the experiments had to do with learned helplessness. As I remember it, an animal was put in a box with the lid closed and given a shock. Because it could not escape, it eventually stopped trying. It simply endured. Even after the lid was removed, it would not jump out. It “learned helplessness.” In many ways, that is the intended purpose of the Law of God. To teach us how utterly helpless and hopeless we are to save ourselves. We live in a closed system. A world corrupted by sin. There is no escape. The lid is too tight. We cannot get out. Our only hope is that the Master will come and save us from our broken condition.”

    They are trying to kill you.
    I know; its hard to wrap your mind around it.
    But you must believe; as the evidence is overwhelming.
    Once you come to correct conclusion; the next question becomes:
    What are you going to do about it?

  10. Ahh, the last post from Daughter of Babylon. They are trying to kill you. Right on! Isn’t it painfully obvious. The Georgia guidestones said, a half billion people. We are at 8 billion. That is 1 out of 16 left.
    They are far more ambitious than Revelation says will happen.
    I don’t understand how programming works. If I see Gates putting out a pandemic movie, and some guy in a labcoat saying it WILL happen.

    I see the devil at work!

    Don’t you?

    You’d have to be stupid to believe in coincidence. I never believed anything that they said after that. If people lie to you, do you continue to listen to them?

    Maybe if you are a fool. The people who bring up everything as false news that is dangerous, are like the people who continually bring up racism and bigotry. They are probably the worst offenders. It is what is always on their minds.

    I don’t like guns, or any kind of war weapon. Never even had a toy one. Never played any kind of war game, and never played any computer game. I saw pacman when it came out and thought it was a ridiculous fad. The games out now are all evil. They turn war into a game that you just keep doing over. If you are shot dead in war; you are dead.

    There was one a few days ago in East Lansing; about 400 days after one in Oxford, MI, less than 20 miles from our house. That morning I took a photo of a beautiful foggy sunrise; something that I never do, that pointed right to Oxford. I wrote a post about it a few days later with the photo.

    Yes, they are terrible tragedies. But don’t take away guns.

    I am a spiritual warrior, not a physical one. I speak truth. But I am not naive. We need people with guns protecting us. Every single shooting by someone at a school, or theater like setting is met with the fear mongers SCREAMING for everyone to turn in their guns.

    Last Friday 4 fairly slow, and low flying drones made 4 relatively small circles around my house, about 50 mile NW of Selfridge AFB. 2 days later, one of those dumb balloons was shot down over lake Huron. I paid attention.

    I don’t get a rah rah feeling in my heart when I see a military jet. I get chills. I only feel death. Why does America stick its nose in every other country’s business. Stop all the stuff outside the borders, and just take care of your people.

    But that is not what they want. They want to rule the world like Pinky and the Brain. Save the world like Captain Underpants. Who wants to rule the world?

    Satan does.

  11. Vickie

    MP….so happy to see you back at what you do best….ANALYTICS!

    I am sure you have recently read Mike Adam’s Healthranger newsletter “Natural News”. The latest post was about dioxin that was released into the air of Ohio:
    “Dioxin is a class of chemical compounds that form when chlorinated compounds are burned. The authorities that set fire to the vinyl chloride in Ohio have unleashed an ecological catastrophe that is now causing dioxin fallout on food, farms and families in Ohio and surrounding states.
    The bad news is that the lifetime “safe” exposure to dioxins is 1/10,000 the mass of a single grain of table salt.
    This means if you get ONE DROP of dioxin chemicals on you, it’s over. Massive cancer, infertility, spontaneous abortions, endocrine disruptions, etc….
    The accident in Ohio is the single largest toxic chemical ecological disaster in American History.”
    Just think about this…. Where does the Ohio river flow? To the Mississippi and ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico. Prepare yourselves….
    Back in the 80’s I read a book called: “WAR DAY and the Journey Onward,” by Whitley Streiber. Although it is an older fictional story about how one family survived a nuclear attack on NYC, it is an excellent resource for those looking to survive the oncoming war on US Soil.
    Despite dioxin, RADIATION will also be a killer. The book is well researched and can be found on Amazon.
    In it you will discover that the only animal you would be able to eat after a nuclear holocaust would be chicken or quail due to the quick turnaround in reproduction. NO OTHER ANIMAL would be safe….nor milk of any kind.
    READ IT to know that a Kearney Radiation/Fallout Meter will save your life. Read about it on Wikipedia….

  12. Dena Cunningham

    This was perfect timing!! Thank you so much….been searching for your website a few months ago hoping nothing had happened to you and it was very difficult to search for it on google. I kept getting error messages when I would click on a site that I thought was the Daily Crow.

    Anyway, this was an amazing post even though so much shorter than your usual, but still amazingly relevant and ties it all together. God is so good all the time and I am thanking him for you and your ministry.

    Blessings to you and your wife.


  13. Trina

    Passover begins on April 22 through April 30, 2024. I have so missed your work, Matt (now that I know your name). The peculiarity of your gifting is quite a blessing as you make us see things differently. Blessings to you. Can’t wait for the next issue! Trina

  14. Moldy Soldier

    Yes! He’s baaaack. So stoked when I got an email for a new post brudda. Looking forward to re reading this one and also to more coming! God bles and thank you.

  15. Betty Lou

    Rome wasn’t built in a day – as of course this incredible post was not – well done Matt!
    I’m glad you were never “gone” to be “back” — don’t understand some saying that, since you post daily updates DAILY and you are called the “daily crow”.
    So, some may need to visit your sight more often to see that you are alive and well and working daily toward the next post how ever long it may take.
    I loved your remarks at the end – very heartfelt and sober, and I agree with your conclusions of how we are to be resolved toward these times when you said “…there is a glory in understanding the times.” and “God shows us a new facet of the glory, and we refuse to look at it because we’re still looking for the old one. And of course we don’t get that.”
    What was that babel you were babbling oh DOB? The Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you – as we Christians freely submit our will to the will of the Father – God Almighty who loves us and takes care of us and promises that if we drink any deadly thing it will not harm us. The Lord Jesus lives and is coming … Amen – even so…come Lord Jesus!
    Be encouraged Matt – you humbly write with the hand of God directing you. It certainly is very hard to see the insanity, evil and confusion coming forth daily. Just know you are prayed for and a part of the body that is most needed in these times to keep us alert and not ignorant of the evils. We stand with you and cheer and rejoice as we see the day approaching when Christ returns and when Babylon goes down for dissing a loving God who she didn’t accept to love her perfectly because she wanted to do her own thing.
    God bless you Matt!!!! Will be seeing your daily update post tomorrow…GODSPEED!
    Betty Lou

  16. Zeke English

    It was said some years back that, as ancient Israel had 44 kings, America will perhaps only have 44 kings (presidents). Because Grover Cleveland served two separate terms, Trump was our 44th king even though his official number was 45. However, then Biden was elected as the 45th king. What to make of this?

    Perhaps no issue more defines Biden’s presidency than abortion. One of the only good things to come from Trump’s disastrous presidency was the reshaping of the Supreme Court and the later overturning of Roe v Wade. I believe God then gave the Democratic Party more years of peace and security and its last chance to save the country from Trump. Biden is a coward and flip flopper but he originally opposed the Roe decision in 1973. God is giving him a golden opportunity to return to Him, but Biden has failed. He is even promoting abortion pills. Once Biden leaves or dies, there will be no more Democrats left to stand up for God’s statutes on a level of such power.

    Therefore it is likely that Trump comes back into office next year. Then Biden’s role as 45th king will be cancelled and revoked and our 44th king will indeed be our final king. God is just Biden His time.

  17. epiphany1974

    Welcome back and thank you for this poignant post Matt! You have been missed. I empathize with your dismay at the events rushing headlong and converging over the past 2-3 years. I myself have been grieving deeply at the recent developments that have occurred in our hopelessly broken and deeply corrupt land. But I have also been aware of how much these developments have loosened my grip on the things of this world. I have also recognized more and more that heaven is my true home and I am clamoring for our Lord’s return!! I believe that all Christians everywhere must do so as we await our coming King! We must closely examine ourselves and repent and allow Jesus to wash us clean and make our bridal garments white. Praying for every Christian and Jew around the world, that we may draw closer to HIM!! Shalom!

  18. ZE

    In this post I will prove with only three numbers that the Roman Catholic Church is the true church of Christ.

    6 defines Rabbinic Judaism. Six Day War. Six million Jews died in the Holocaust. The Mishnah has six orders. Saturday is the sixth day of the week (Jewish sabbath). Six pointed star on the Israeli flag.

    5 defines Islam. Five pillars of the faith. Praying five times a day. Friday, the fifth day, is Muslims’ communal day of prayer.

    7 defines Catholicism. 7 sacraments. 7 virtues, 7 deadly sins, 7 extra Bible books, 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, 7 works of mercy. Sunday Mass is performed on the 7th day. The Catholic Bible has *73* books (perfection plus the Trinity). Seven signifies that this is the perfect and complete faith. The 66 books in Protestant bibles signify the imperfection of mere man.

    Seven defines the first and last books of the Bible. The number repeatedly occurs in these two books. Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.

    It took me a long time to realize this because Pope Francis is a Masonic destroyer and infiltrator who is potentially going to be the False Prophet. He’s potentially not even a valid Pope. Francis’ emerging counter church is not the true Catholic church. Read Taylor Marshalls book Infiltration to learn more.

  19. D.O.B.

    Now let the woman be girt with a sword,
    She bows down to no man, submits to no lord!
    Her strength is her armor, her father the sun,
    When She becomes Queen; Christianity is done!
    ___You Know Who

    • Zach

      I recommend you read Isaiah 47, DOB.

      I hope you like the taste of crow, because you’re going to be eating it daily. Nice heaping helpings of daily crow.

      • D.O.B.

        Read it? I know it intimately; since long before you incarnated.
        They were all little monsters; Jehovah’s slaves; but Isaiah was top of the list.
        What is #47 a reflection of?
        Jehovah’s rage and envy and endless threasts agaisnt his betters; just like Ezekiel 16.
        God hateth The Daughter of Babylon for the most of obvious of reasons; She is all that He can never be; and She radiates all that He may never possess.
        Though He strikes at Her constantly; flailing away through His Earthly Slaves; He is unable to deliver the Knockout Punch; because like All Queens By Divine Right; The Land & Pamela Are One.
        For the Land is greater than a thousand fathoms of poisoned, tainted rains; stronger than the infection of a million viruses; immune to the infestation of countless parasites, and so it is with Pamela, The Brilliant Incarnation of Hope.
        Stop living in this fantasy-world of Christendom good; anything that does not concur; evil; this is the greatest psy-op of them all; for by initiating it and creating in the Collective Mind such a fallacious image; Cult of Galilee now has carte blanche to get away with murder; as they have for 20 centuries. You see; they were all “good” murders and “good” genocides. But there was no good and no evil; there were and are COMPETING FORCES; neither side utterly innocent or utterly guilty; JUST LIKE TODAY AMONGST HUMANITY.
        As for the various “prophecies” what else are they going t say? “We lose”? Ha! Who is going to join a cult that declares their own ultimate defeat; or send them money? Another (very effective) psy-op.
        You are an intelligent man; who I see has departed from the Christian-Zionist absurdities you once had some propinquity with; keep growing and keep seeing the grand absurdity of THE WHOLE THING.

        • D.O.B.

          APRIL 14, 2024 AT 8:34 AM
          APRIL 14, 2024 AT 10:50 AM

          10:50 AM – 8:34 AM = 2:16

          216 = 6 x 6 x 6

          10:50 AM + 8:34 AM = 18:84

          1440 minutes in a day; so 1884 minutes is 444 minutes after midnight…

          Pamela is Magic!

          • D.O.B.

            To attempt to silence a woman is to pay her homage, for it is an acknowledgement that her arguments are both impossible to answer and impossible to ignore.

            Through his little monster Isaiah; your “god” indicates that he seeks to bring harm upon Me.

            Well that makes it even more absurd; the notion that I would desist as a function of their desires.

            The Biblical “god” Jehovah in an Anunnaki; the word “god” itself simply means “Son of Anu”; the head Anunnaki honcho. He could no more create a universe than he could an omlette.

            Over time the meaning was lost; and he was later elevated to “king of the universe” by some men who well understood human gullibility.

            There were 30,000 gods before Jehovah; he was on about the same level as Zeus; Isis; Ra & Marduk.

            Try to overcome your brainwashing. You will never know peace until you do; your writing itself is reflective of a man whose soul is in turmoil.

  20. D.O.B.

    APRIL 13, 2024 AT 6:27 PM

    6/27 – 4/13 = 2/14

    214 = BAD

    And I was not even trying…
    One thing for the tax callector Matty; he knows its a Simulation…

  21. D.O.B.

    APRIL 13, 2024 AT 6:29 PM

    6:29 – 4/13 = 2/16

    216 = 6x6x6

    6:29 + 4/13 = 10:42

    10:42 = 642 minutes.

    6:42 = 402 minutes…

    402 = DOB / Daughter of Babylon…

    “Its so easy”
    ___Linda Ronstadt / ’77

  22. D.O.B.

    Behold; anyone who must bribe you (heaven) and threaten you (hell) in order to get you to follow him IS YOUR ENEMY.
    A child would even understand this obvious dynamic; before he or she is brainwashed by the Cult of Galilee.

    • Andrew M.

      This is EXACTLY why women should remain silent in the congregation.
      They add nothing, but simply seek attention by destruction.
      This is why women should not be allowed to vote.
      This is why women should not be in the military.
      This is why God commanded women to obey their fathers and their husbands.
      One woman being left alone to think for herself for a few minutes is how this whole mess got started to begin with!

      Thank you for clearly illustrating the problem for all to see, D.O.B.

      • D.O.B.

        Thou knowest and lovest and reverest one thou hast never seen nor heard. Yet the One that walks amongst you; and hath confessed Herself unto thee; you know Her not…
        ___Daughter of Babylon

        As you can see; an anagram for “The Pam” is “Empath”; and I truly did successfully take on The Sins of the World; unlike the carpenter.
        The meaning is clear and unmistakable and I see the pattern whole at last, marked in giant strokes upon the air: I AM SHE whom the world awaits. I AM that figure, that messiah whose work will be the world’s delight, and liberation.

        • D.O.B.

          APRIL 17, 2024 AT 1:24 PM

          84 minutes after noon!

          So much with 84 / 48!

          So much on this big “4/8” eclipse; 4/8 is also written 8/4 overseas…so I thought I would share:

          My first name (Pamela) adds to 48
          My second name (which I will not publish) to 84

          “Beholding thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that can be hidden from thee”
          __Ezekiel 28:3

          This is no accident; chapter & verse.
          28 x 3 = 84
          2 x 8 x 3 = 48

          Also he always refers to Me as the Strange woman and the Evil Woman
          Strange = 84
          Evil = 48

          24 To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of the strange woman.
          ___Proverbs 6:24

          6 x 2 x 4 = 48
          (6 + 2) in front of 4 = 84

          There are no coincidences

  23. D.O.B.

    Andrew (meaning manly! / oh the irony!); who don’t you try to REFUTE what I have written; rather than seek to place a gag upon Me?
    Oh wait; if you COULD refute it; you would already have done so; would you not!
    So you resort to the old stand-by of your Monster God; “be silent; lest the slaves awaken to their slavery!”

    Web owner Christy Mathewson knows exactly Who & What I Am; and knows full well that I will be doing a lot more than “voting” (lmao) down the road apiece.

    “Do me this favor. I won’t forget it. Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me.”
    ___Don Vito Corleone

  24. D.O.B.

    APRIL 16, 2024 AT 9:26 AM
    APRIL 17, 2024 AT 12:55 PM

    9:26 + 12:55 = 21:81
    Since 1440 is a day; so 2160 is Noon on the Second Day
    2181 minutes is 12:21 PM

    12:21 = 11 x 111

    Of course I incarnated on 1/11.

    60. My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us.
    ___Nuit / Book of the Law

    65. Gather together in the covens as of old, whose number is eleven, that is also my number. Gather together in public, in song and dance and festival. Gather together in secret, be naked and shameless and rejoice in my name.
    ___Babalon (Isis) / Liber 49

  25. D.O.B.

    Let us add up the times of all the posts since Daughter of Babylon showed up; including the replies unto Her!

    6:27 PM + 8:34 AM + 10:50 AM + 10:58 AM + 11:18 AM + 8:19 PM + 6:29 PM + 6:34 PM + 12:50 PM + 9:26 AM + 1:24 PM + 1:30 PM + 12:55 PM + 1:03 PM = 10557

    On Jan 5, of ’57 (1/05/57); Eisenhower Doctrine is promulgated! In a special message to Congress, Eisenhower proclaims the sovereignty of the Middle Eastern nations and that the United States will ensure that force will not be used for any aggressive purpose in the world. Within a “Special Message to the Congress on the Situation in the Middle East”. Under the Eisenhower Doctrine, a Middle Eastern country could request American economic assistance or aid from U.S. military forces if it was being threatened by armed aggression.

    Ha-ha! So very timely; and soooo synchronized!

    • D.O.B.

      From and including: Saturday, January 5, 1957
      To, but not including Wednesday, April 17, 2024

      Result: 24,574 days
      It is 24,574 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.

      Or 67 years, 3 months, 12 days excluding the end date.

      67 years, 3 months, 12 days?

      On 3/12/67; (March 12, 1967) the novel “Rosemary’s Baby” (Ira Levin author) about the birthing of the Anti-Christ; was published!

  26. D.O.B.

    From Wednesday, April 17, 2024
    Subtracted 10,557 days

    Result: Tuesday, May 23, 1995

    Hmm? May 23rd? The anniversary of the day I made My appearance and gave the Daughter of Fortitude Speech to John Dee & Ed Kelley in Bohemia (not the one near MacArthur Airport!) in Bohemia; May 23, 1587.

    And how many years before? Why 408 years exactly!

    And I just did a post on the magic of 408!

    “Believe; the evidence is overwhelming”
    ___Celia Lovsky / Leader of the Exchange

  27. D.O.B.

    North Carolina high school student, 16, is suspended for saying ‘illegal *alien*’ in class.

    You still don’t understand what you’re dealing with, do you?
    Pamela is a perfect organism.
    Superbly structured, cunning. With your limited capabilities you have no chance against Her.
    How can one not admire perfection?
    A survivor…unclouded by conscience, remorse or delusions of morality.

    You should feel honored Matthew.
    In the United Slaves of America; there might be ten souls with the brains to understand the posts I have made; and you are one of them….the rest would just say “WTF”? They would then ponder their moral and intellectual “superiority”; as they know all about who is on the injured reserve list for the Cowboys; and really; is that not all one needs to know in this life?


    • Zach

      You started out all soft and cajoling but after you were rebuked you revealed yourself as a bloodthirsty Nazi demon, maybe the chief demon himself.

      There’s a strong undercurrent of great wrath in your posts. It must be that as we move forward you know your time is going to be very short (Rev 12).

      YHWH reigns supreme over you always and forever.

  28. D.O.B.

    Can’t resist one more!

    APRIL 17, 2024 AT 6:41 PM

    4/17 + 6:41 = 10:58

    10:58 PM minutes is 1378 minutes….

    O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
    ___Psalm 137:8

    Hilarious; it really is….

  29. Daughter of Babylon? You have a swell head opinion of yourself. Usually we hear of you as Mystery Babylon, the harlot who seduces the world with blasphemy. But don’t take my word for it. Here is an entire chapter:

    Lament Over Fallen Babylon
    18 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2 With a mighty voice he shouted:

    “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’[a]
    She has become a dwelling for demons
    and a haunt for every impure spirit,
    a haunt for every unclean bird,
    a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.
    3 For all the nations have drunk
    the maddening wine of her adulteries.
    The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
    and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

    Warning to Escape Babylon’s Judgment
    4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say:

    “‘Come out of her, my people,’[b]
    so that you will not share in her sins,
    so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
    5 for her sins are piled up to heaven,
    and God has remembered her crimes.
    6 Give back to her as she has given;
    pay her back double for what she has done.
    Pour her a double portion from her own cup.
    7 Give her as much torment and grief
    as the glory and luxury she gave herself.
    In her heart she boasts,
    ‘I sit enthroned as queen.
    I am not a widow;[c]
    I will never mourn.’
    8 Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her:
    death, mourning and famine.
    She will be consumed by fire,
    for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.

    Threefold Woe Over Babylon’s Fall
    9 “When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. 10 Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry:

    “‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,
    you mighty city of Babylon!
    In one hour your doom has come!’

    11 “The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore— 12 cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; 13 cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and human beings sold as slaves.

    14 “They will say, ‘The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your luxury and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.’ 15 The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn 16 and cry out:

    “‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,
    dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet,
    and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!
    17 In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’

    “Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. 18 When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, ‘Was there ever a city like this great city?’ 19 They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out:

    “‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,
    where all who had ships on the sea
    became rich through her wealth!
    In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’

    20 “Rejoice over her, you heavens!
    Rejoice, you people of God!
    Rejoice, apostles and prophets!
    For God has judged her
    with the judgment she imposed on you.”

    The Finality of Babylon’s Doom
    21 Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:

    “With such violence
    the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,
    never to be found again.
    22 The music of harpists and musicians, pipers and trumpeters,
    will never be heard in you again.
    No worker of any trade
    will ever be found in you again.
    The sound of a millstone
    will never be heard in you again.
    23 The light of a lamp
    will never shine in you again.
    The voice of bridegroom and bride
    will never be heard in you again.
    Your merchants were the world’s important people.
    By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
    24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people,
    of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”

  30. Kristi

    I posted about a dream I had many years ago about a PARADE on main street America with the grand marshal being a black woman (Mystery Babylon, the deep state) that the world loved and beheld as beautiful. I witnessed (in the dream) much occult activity and witchcraft taking place behind the scenes. Soon after I believe a rapture event occurred with a disappearing of some believers. Several years ago I had a dream about 6 or 7 “moons” which I believe now to be planets associated with a terrible abomination that I was very appalled, disgusted, ashamed to see (i did not see it in the dream, but felt it).

    I am not one to give much credence to dreams, however, when I saw the planetary alignment (parade of planets) set for USA on June 3 with 6 visible planets and Venus (7) not being visible because it is blended with the sun, I realized that I must at least mention the possibility of a great abomination occurring in the near future.

    What abomination? A nuclear event of some kind. Literally or metaphorically with an assassination or some other such thing. I would remind you all that God has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Keep your mind and heart on Jesus little children and pray that He will keep us from all evil. We are called to patience and faith, hope and the love of God in Christ. God be with us all.

  31. Kristi

    There are many points of agreement with Rachel from the channel you posted. I agree with the realization that we are the lost tribe of Joseph. Therefore I anticipate we will have a similar experience. At varying times we all may feel shame, cast out, false accusations, even imprisonment or like Rachel said some kind of “yoke”. Honestly, have we not all experienced much of this already for refusing the jab, supporting a certain President and resisting the NWO? If we are indeed Mannaseh and not Ephraim, then it is important to note that Mannaseh was a half-tribe because half of them refused to enter the Promised Land. Perhaps, however, if we fulfill our role as Joseph we seemingly would indeed prosper by the grace and provision of God during the second half of tribulation.

    Back to the parade, in my dream there was something false about it. Like I was being shown wickedness. I even remember asking why am I seeing this? I don’t want to see this. I suppose that these are ways God helps prepare our hearts for difficult things to come.

  32. Kristi

    I too struggle with concerns about Trump. Wondering if he is just a psyop or worse. But I remember specifically why I voted for him in 2016. I was very concerned about the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). It was one of those super long (5000+ page) boondoggles of “you don’t know what’s in it until you pass it”. In my humble opinion, however, it had the potential to create a global oligarchical government of big corporations including the pharmaceutical and tech industries, giving them carte blanche power to make all the rules in their favor. No accountability, no governmental or civil resistance whatsoever. He and Bernie Sanders were the only two candidates who stood vehemently opposed to this agreement. This was my redline on determining who to vote for in that election. I also loved the “speech that got Trump elected”.

    Trump is not Jesus Christ. He is a man like us. Far from perfect, yet hopefully evolving into a better person over time and not a worse person. Don jr. explained to Tucker recently, (paraphrasing) that the difference between us (trump and his supporters) and the rest is that we actually believe (in God, the constitution, the Republic, freedom, etc) and the rest just use these things as political leverage and soundbites.

    All the troubles and trials we have been through as a people and country have stripped away a lot of the dross, refining our beliefs. It has helped us have more clarity as to what is truly important. Helped clear away religion and made us more truth oriented and practitioners of that truth. If Trump is evil, then why has this journey with him brought us closer to God and more determined in our faith. Many people have turned to God throughout this time.

    I believe I have the Holy Spirit (of truth) and love, and power and a sound mind and pray, God Bless the USA, forgive us Lord, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. We forgive all those who trespass against us and are thankful for the salvation and hope and promises we have in you. We entrust ourselves, the unbelieving, and all into your hands. Lead us, Father, as one people, united in faith to that promised land by thy power, grace, and mercy in the truth of the blood of Jesus Christ, the lamb of God. Help us not to turn away while we are right at the door, grant us the gift of faith and love to press on to the hope of your calling and realize that you have seeded your kingdom within us already and nothing can take it away. For it is eternal and not of ourselves but from you. And not us only Lord, but all the people everywhere who have this hope in themselves throughout the world, in your redemption and deliverance that your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven for your glory forever and ever amen.

  33. Kristi

    I must make a correction. We are not just “better” but a whole new creation, born from above. Because we have the hope of a kingdom built on truth and righteousness, rooted and grounded in the love and freedom of Jesus Christ. This hope purifies us as we wait for it. A new Heaven and a new Earth where Christ is reigning over all. Until now we have seen through a glass darkly but now more clearly.

    But we must continue by faith to obey Christ. Bless and curse not. Forgive. Be patient, endure hardness as a good soldier. Give and it shall be given to you. Be kind and gentle to all. Praying for all in faith and in hope, clinging to the great salvation our God has given us as a gift. With meekness and humility correct those who have gone astray. Minding our own business, working with our hands to have something to share in times of need. Crucify in your flesh all wrath, anger, bitterness, malice, hatred and evil speaking. Hate sin, but love the people, interceding for their souls. Always trusting in God’s goodness, holding fast to the peace we have from Jesus, believing he will bring about all that he has promised, for Christ is worthy to receive all things. And we are Christ’s. Love one another fervently and love Him who died and rose again to give us life.

  34. kristi

    Joseph Prince gives a more sure Word of prophecy and truth in his latest sermon series entitled, “The Rapture and End-Times Tribulation Explained”. I hope everyone watches.

  35. Kristi

    MP, in the dream about the moons, these were just that, false lights. This week a friend from college popped in for a visit and asked me what I thought the moon might be? I replied without thinking a “a light”. Surprised by my own answer I held onto it. She believed it to be a solid rock with inhabited by military bases conducting mining operations etc etc. Then when you mentioned Alex Jones believing in the false light of NASA (agreed btw), I realized that is what these moons were… false lights. Falsehoods that must be faced and overcome. Billy Carson (who even mentions the “great architect” in the interview, an obvious masonic and Luciferian reference) and others (Elon Musk) believe technology (AI) is the key to a great future. Always worshipping the work of man’s hands, instead of God.

    Don’t get mad my friends, but I want to just toss out there another possible falsehood. What about our timeline? Have we not come to recognize much of our historical narrative is lacking in supportive evidence? Could it be that the 1000 year reign of Christ has happened and we are in the season whereby the devil has been loosed for a season for one last trial on earth? Does not Daniel mention that the AC will seek to change times and laws? I have only recently begun to contemplate this so it may very easily be refuted but just sharing. Perhaps that longing in our hearts for the Kingdom comes from our remembrance of it.

    Another, even more challenging false light, might be America itself (at least as it currently exists). Originally called the “New World” according to the narrative. The place, I suppose, is the originator of the “New World Order”, promulgating many of the falsehoods that currently envelop the world. Or perhaps, from elsewhere trying to re-make America into a different image than it once was, which is my preferred hope. That I can’t help but believe, that at one time, we were a nation that pleased the Lord. Was the Old World as medieval and backward as we are told? Is the beautiful art and architecture pre-diluvian (Atlantian) or possibly from an age of Christ’s reign on earth? if pre-flood why so much seemingly Christian imagery? Why can we not seem to replicate the majesty of these buildings but only make squares and rectangles now? Thoughts?

    • MP

      I take great issue with this emerging Tartarian/little season/millennial reign already happened for multiple reasons. 1) like the emerging false light this theory has recently surged onto the scene and feels every bit as much of a psyop as the false light. 2) what a crap millennial reign it was. 3) it doesn’t fit w/ the fairly straightforward timeline traces the genealogies from Christ (2k years ago) to Adam and the 6000 years and 6 days w/ 7th day rest creation model, a day is a thousand years. In order to make this work we have to accept an absurd degree of shenanigans with the historical record of the last 2k years which is another form of gaslighting. 4) the intention for why this would be a deception is fairly straightforward. The futuristic approach to eschatology has always been under assault from both within the church and without. Rather than believers recognizing that at some point between 2028-2033 Jesus will return to set things in order. The real deceit is to get as many as possible to believe that the explanation for existence which comes first will be the truth. We have been lied to about the past and many charlatans both within and without the church and jumping onboard this larp and exploiting subjective interpretations of reality for their own ends. If we can’t trust any reality about the past we are more likely to accept any new reality as long as the speaker is articulate enough and masquerading their language with enough foreign terminology that we accept they know more than us.

      A verse and a quote come to mind regarding the past. Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this. Ecc. 7:10

      Blaise Pascal: “We do not rest satisfied with the present. We anticipate the future as too slow in coming, as if to hasten its course; or we recall the past, to stop its too rapid flight. So imprudent are we that we wander in the times which are not ours, and do not think of the only one which belongs to us; and so idle are we that we dream of those times which are no more, and blindly overlook that which alone exists.”

      I believe all of us who are awake are mourning the present implosion of our reality. We may or may not have been happy in the past but we can certainly say looking back that we had it better than we realized. Do we extend that concept even further into the past, looking for other times or is that simply buttons in our brain chemistry that the enemy knows he can funnel us into to make us less content in the present? As beauty and goodness because an increasingly rare commodity we pine away. We realize that Lewis was really onto something…no pleasure on this earth can satisfy. We know the strong delusion is greater than we couldve conceived 5 years ago and the many little delusions all pointing to the grand climax are more beguiling than we thought possible.

      I don’t know the answers and I am trying to take this all in which is becoming increasingly more difficult with each passing day. I’m fairly rigid on the timeline. The Essenes stuff for 2075 or whatever could be possible I suppose but we would have to toss out the date of the cross and the literal interpretation of 2 days from Hosea. We would also have to assume that the exponential growth of tech/AI etc could exist for 50 years without being in the 70th week. 2028-2033 mostly likely 2031 AD for 2nd coming is where I sit presently. Where the rapture is, whether believers rule and reign during the millennial or if that is only reserved for martyrs etc is another matter entirely. I have become far more uncertain and perhaps less concerned about these specifics over the years.

      I’ll close it off here. Probably time to start organizing my thoughts and writing again. My brain is backed up. It’s also probably time to start hold live conversations, forming some gated community hangout and hashing these things out. Can anyone give me a decent reason as to why we should be talking about anything else?

    • MP

      Perhaps I came off too strong. Certainly wouldn’t consider it a “rebuke”. Perhaps I get fed up w/ what I perceive as psyops and my tone in writing comes off stronger than intended. I was dragged into this for many hours…after 1.5 years of having people bring it up. Stew Peters turned the constant dripping into a waterfall. The airships almost had me…disembarking a top the Empire State Building was amazing. Not to mention the Zeppelin seemed too conveniently another psyop by our increasingly familiar shysters’ who have their fingerprints all over every history altering event.

  36. Kristi

    It was a gentle rebuke and rebukes are good. It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man than the song of fools. I am grateful that you killed this brain worm that had recently invaded my consciousness. I actually feel quite relieved (and mildly embarrassed). Admittedly, sometimes this is hard and I am grateful to anyone who helps me not get tossed around by these continuous assaults on our being. Again, blessings and Lord help us all.

  37. Zach

    Below are some doubts and questions I’ve had a very hard time with, pertaining to the book of Revelation. I raise these in case someone wants to chime in with an attempt at answering them.

    Logical inconsistencies

    We are told in this book that most of the world will take the mark of the beast, thus damning these people to hell for all eternity. My question is this: Does it make sense that a loving God would damn to hell people who are simply trying to feed themselves and their families? Without the mark it is impossible to buy or sell. Therefore undoubtedly a large percentage of these people are not necessarily wicked people but simply people trying to survive. Does that make sense that a loving God would consign them to such a fate?

    Another: this book says the whole world will be struck with a strong delusion, worshipping the beast and false prophet. But can this be true? Anyone alive during the Tribulation could simply open up this book, read that this is the path to perdition and instantly decide that they aren’t falling for the delusion. How can a delusion be perpetrated on these people when it will be obvious to everyone that it IS a delusion?

    Thirdly, the Bible says two different things about what happens at the end. The OT prophecies are that the nations will stream to Jerusalem, put down their weapons of war, and there will be a time of peace and prosperity for all time. But the NT says the world will burn up in flames and there will be a rapture up to heaven. How can both of these scenarios be true?

    Are there answers to these questions?

  38. Kristi

    I can’t necessarily answer your questions theologically but by experience a testimony of what I have found to be true about God. The Word says, Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Also, The Lord is my Shepherd I shall want.. I have found God to be very faithful in all these things. Even when I have erred in wisdom or judgement, God has set me aright and abundantly helped me and abundantly provided for my family. Furthermore, in 1 Timothy 5:8 Paul declares that if any man provide not for his own house he is worse than an infidel (son of Beliar). My reasoning is if God expects this of us how much more will he, as our Heavenly Father, provide for us as his own? We are a people called to live by faith. Faith in the goodness, righteousness, love, provision, salvation and healing of God through Christ Jesus. The last few years especially has revealed that the spirit of this world does everything it can to try and destroy that simple, pure faith. For me, I have become very stubborn against that spirit (of the world). I am angered by its desire to make people fearful, dependent on its systems, and doubt the power and goodness of God and am determined to put it to shame. By continuing to seek the Lord, to love my fellow man, praying always and rejoicing in my salvation.

    I always hope in the glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ and many believe he in fact will appear and remove His church before that time of the mark of the beast occurs. The older I get the less I realize I know and understand about these things and defer to faith in God who sent Jesus to bear the weight and judgement for our sin will work all things together for our good who believe and are called according to His purpose (which is the shewbread or Lord’s supper whereby we are healed).

    I have believed that the Book of Isaiah holds many instructions, treasures and promises for the family of God. A young MMA fighter in a recent interview spoke about the instruction to start a family and plant gardens when the people of God are in Babylon. Do this. Study Isaiah. Remember, that it could be that God Himself has His own disinformation campaign (strong delusion) against the powers of the spirit of this world, letting them think they will be successful in their attempt to destroy. But he has promised us deliverance. We must learn to rightly divide the word. There are words for God’s people and words for those who are enemies of God that will cause them to stumble and fall. All who hope in Jesus Christ belong to Him.

    Just today, God revealed that I must examine what fruit is produced in me when I listen to certain podcasters (broadcast means to sow widely btw), influencers, preachers, and politicians etc. Are they producing in me a spirit of fear, confusion, anger, bitterness. hatred etc? Or do they produce a sense of peace, comfort, truth (that the Spirit within identifies), righteousness, patience, hope, love, and faith? Not everyone who attaches themselves to us is of us. We must be more careful about what (who) we hear and stop letting others plant our gardens but select Good Seed (the Word) ourselves, sow it, water it and reap the harvest. I think (my opinion) that we should just enter into our chambers (home and family) and close the door (shut off the phones, internet, tv, outside influences) and rest in Christ, because the battle belongs to the Lord.

    Even season 4 of The Chosen deviates so far from the Word suggesting that Jesus healed some and not others. The Word of God says repeatedly that He healed ALL of those who came to Him. He never said “no, it is not the will of God for you to be healed”. I despise the many false depictions this season. Anyway, I hope somewhere in this conversation you were reminded of the faith in His goodness (Christ) which is very precious to God, my brother.

    • Zach

      Thanks for your response Kristi. You wrote: “I have believed that the Book of Isaiah holds many instructions, treasures and promises for the family of God. A young MMA fighter in a recent interview spoke about the instruction to start a family and plant gardens when the people of God are in Babylon. Do this. Study Isaiah.”

      I have studied the OT prophets and continue to. One thing I simply can’t make sense of is the Day of the Lord. Zephaniah says the Lord will make a full end of the inhabitants of the Earth. Yet Isaiah 43 says the Jewish people will be gathered from East and West to fulfill the prophecies of global peace and enlightenment. How can both of these things be true? If a third part of humanity is destroyed as in Revelation then how can Zechariah be accurate in saying that the Jewish feast days will be turned into days of celebration? Who would want to celebrate after suffering the manifold horrors of the Tribulation? I can’t make sense of it. I suppose one answer is to say that the GOOD prophecies in the OT should be taken as referring to heavenly rewards after Jesus comes back. Yet that would seem to “over spiritualize” what seem like prophecies related to THIS Earth. A 1000 year reign of peace? After the world has been decimated by nuclear war, plagues, waters being poisoned etc? How can there be a two hundred million man army coming to attack Israel so that 2/3rds of Israelis die and the women are raped and sold as slaves (Zechariah 14)? Doesn’t Israel have nuclear weapons to prevent this? Is the Antichrist supposed to eliminate all nuclear weapons so that people return to hand to hand combat?

      Increasingly I can’t make sense of all this. The logical contradictions pile up and so do the prophetical contradictions. Prophecy watchers and teachers simply avoid these inconsistencies altogether, in my view.

  39. Kristi

    I really don’t feel like I need to know exactly how the Lord of Hosts, Commander of Angelic Armies, plans to destroy evil in this world at that great Day. I am just a mom saved by grace, kept from evil by His power and His work performed at the cross. I will be thanking Him for this salvation and rejoicing that the unrepentant, haters of God and His redeemed will lose their grip over the earth and mankind. Blessed be the Name of the Lord God forever and ever, to Him be ALL the glory for all time. I do continue to pray, however, that a revival might occur in the hearts of those remaining but that window of time seems to be drawing to a close. God will help the meek, the lowly, the beggar, the dogs who love the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table, even the rich man who serves Him.

    It is my humble opinion, however, that the unrepentant most likely will all destroy themselves. Because all the Law and the Prophets are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. But the way is very narrow and few there be that enter in. But thanks be to God for His perfect, spotless, unblemished Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Behold, He stands at the door and knocks will you not open to Him? By faith he removes all our grievous sores and leprosy from sin and crowns us with righteousness taking away fears and sorrows. Who can resist so great a redemption? Enter ye into His rest. Let the Spirit and the Bride say Come Lord Jesus! Let thy Kingdom Come! Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

  40. Zach

    “It is my humble opinion, however, that the unrepentant most likely will all destroy themselves.”

    How is this fair of God? I would not be celebrating the world’s demise and humanity’s end. I would mourn over that. I like this world and don’t want to see it ravaged by warfare. I like most people and don’t want to see them damned to hell for taking the mark. I don’t want to see a dictatorship ruin America.

    • MP

      Zach, most people’s view of hell is more informed by the traditions of men and Dante’s inferno than they are scripture. Eternal conscious torment is not what the Bible is talking about. This is a great place to start

      God is just and He is love. He chose to organize reality in this age where it is our faith that brings Him pleasure. While I’m far from a faith champion and tend to lean on my own understanding to my own detriment, I choose to believe that the retribution for evil and the mercy and grace doled out at the end will be perfect.

      America is already ruined. The spiritual lines have been crossed and we are watching the final gasps play out in the physical. It will end with tyranny and chaos but it will be tyranny and chaos that the vast majority cheer on thinking it their salvation.

  41. Kristi

    None of those things you say represent God’s heart or mine. Please forgive me that I do not understand you very well. I will leave it here. May God bless you and help me.

  42. Kristi

    Was it not a mere week ago following the SC verdict on presidential immunity that everyone (opposed to Trump) was calling for Biden to assassinate Trump because he would “have immunity”? Now they have the extreme gall to use an actual assassination attempt on Trump to silence us and the truth again under the guise of “toned-down rhetoric” for so-called “unity”?

    How I long for this nation to be “crowned with brotherhood” like in America the Beautiful but they require we surrender our faith, families, and freedom to do so. I would rather fight, fight, fight. Not with weapons that are carnal but that which is mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. Stand and fight the good fight of faith.

  43. Zach

    A video of a man prophesying that Trump would get shot in the ear is currently making the rounds. 2 Thessalonians says that the Antichrist will come with LYING WONDERS.

    Satan has slithered INTO America’s churches to get Christians to support this man as their counterfeit savior. I’m 95 percent sure that Trump will be the end times Antichrist and will confirm the peace covenant with Israel once he takes power again. Especially after his head wound he just suffered. (Revelation 13).

    A good way of seeing this is to compare Trump with who I consider his biggest type and shadow: Ronald Wilson Reagan (6+6+6 letters). Reagan was seen as a divisive figure before he suffered an assassination attempt. Afterwards he was seen as the great UNITER and the great PEACEMAKER. Look for Trump to make this rhetorical shift going forward. Look for Trump to confirm Christians in their mistaken belief that he is “God’s anointed” with God’s “hand of protection” on him. REMEMBER: the AC causes a “falling away” from the faith. Unbelievers don’t fall away. BELIEVERS do. They lack discernment. They will ultimately suffer by being imprisoned and executed by this tyrant they’re gleefully handing the reins of power to, shredding our constitution in doing so. Tyranny and chaos are what Trump will bring – not peace and harmony.

  44. Kristi

    Dear Zach,

    I knew I was sensing TDS. I will fight for you Zach and all those who are opposed to their own selves. Ignoring the reality around them. In my previous comment I referred to [they], which are those powers and principalities that are holding many in this country hostage unbeknownst to themselves. Causing them to be filled with hate and murder and destruction of their own families and bodies and this nation. They are unable to see or hear good or light or truth. I have news for you: the antichrist spirit has been here for a while and people do love it and parade it and celebrate it already. False teachers and prophets gaslight the people of faith daily and think they do justice! One day they will hear the prayers we have prayed for them and the intercessions made on their behalf. They will feel the pain, hurt, and rejection we have felt and they will be very sad. They will know that indeed we did love them.

    The Good News: It is not too late. The one and only prescription for us all is to diligently seek the face of Christ.

  45. Kristi

    Do you not know that just as the whole church is the body of Christ, performing His works, by imitation do you not think the whole group of people opposed to Christ are the body of the antichrist performing his works? Cast off all the works of darkness and put on the whole armour of light.

    • Zach

      You can’t say the Dems are for Antichrist while Republicans are for Christ. This is way bigger than the sick and decaying two party system where both sides are at fault. I’m talking about how Trump has enlisted Christians as a growing army to support HIM. HIS power. HIS needs. HIS desire for Project 2025 and a usurpation of total executive branch power. This is pure idolatry. Believe me I’m not letting Dems off the hook. Many problems on that side too. But a discerning believer would not cave to the peer pressure to be a Trump supporter at this point because his agenda is based on lies. He is documented to have told over thirty lies at the debate. He wants dictatorial power over the globe and God is probably going to give it to him.

      • Kristi

        By no means whatsoever do I think being a republican or democrat for that matter is more or less Christian by virtue of the identity. God has called us to pray for our leaders, all of them, even (especially) those we don’t like. In this way He can act on our behalf to preserve the good that we hope for. So pray for all.

        I also reckon that it is not either of the presidents that actually have power but the bureaucracy, unelected officials, and lobbyists that mainly are running everything into the ground. Which is a problem and in conflict with the Constitution.

        I am opposed to Agenda 2025 and Agenda 2030 and any secret agenda that I don’t know. Trump says he is opposed also. None of us should fear any man but God only. Fear is a tool of the enemy of our souls. And Jesus instructed us to “Fear not” 365 times in Bible, one for every day of the year. So I seek to obey his instructions.

        I don’t find Trump (or Biden) to be scary politically or otherwise. And if I am wrong my Father in heaven who loves me (and you)will protect me (and you). For no weapon formed against me shall prosper. So I believe that and because I am not to fear evil but simply refuse to do it. Mainly by obeying the call to love others which will not allow one to murder, lie, steal, destroy, etc While I personally did not recognize the 30 lies Trump told at the debate, I will listen very carefully to the RNC convention and be alert. However, I do find that he is very often misrepresented in the media. Just as Biden’s lack of fitness was withheld from the people.

        There are many lies that have gained footing in this country. I feel quite certain that we are ALL wrong about many things. So we should have grace for one another as we navigate these choppy waters. But I do hope we can agree, Zach, that our great hope is to preserve (by His grace & truth) this great Republic/Democracy that God has gifted to us and always the continuation of humanity (world without end. amen).

        • Zach

          Yes, Kristi, I agree that the “deep state” is a problem, with unelected officials making so many decisions. I am not against Republicans or Democrats. What I am against is when one man CLAIMS to be the answer to those problems and says “Turn all the keys over to me. Trust me to solve all those problems.” That signifies the END of the republic. If the answer to the deep state is to hand all power to one man who claimed “I alone can fix it,” then you’re replacing one set of problems with a whole new set of problems. I am glad Trump survived the assassination attempt. I wish no harm or death on anyone. And yes the Bible does tell us to pray for our leaders. So that is a timely reminder. Yet I will still continue to remember that God claims my ultimate loyalty – not any politician.

          • Kristi

            So disappointed with VP pick. Hoped for Carson or Youngkin. Faith in God and no other. Prayers up. You will all be relieved to know I am done commenting. Blessings.

  46. Kristi

    Let me start off by saying I am not some great human being with any kind of credentials or great deeds that should cause anyone to listen to me. Just a person who believes in the salvation of Jesus Christ and is very grateful for that.

    Yesterday I almost believed a lie. I thought what if Trump is the beast with deadly head wound. Then a still small voice within said to me “Judge with righteous judgment, not according to appearances”. First I removed all signs, wonders, dreams and visions that I have heard through the years be they pro or con because these can be deceiving and lie. Then I examined the man, his character, and what I have witnessed about him and listened to all the testimonies of people (at the RNC) who have been comforted by him, helped by him or have been recipients of his kindness and thought I certainly cannot condemn the man for these things. I recall the policies and agenda for our country which seems honorable to me. I determined he is doing exactly what Our Lord has called us to do. Honestly, I judge him a far greater human being than myself.

    I then I thought, what if we, together with Trump, actually administered the real deadly head wound to the beast system? Perhaps we helped tear down the false idols of political correctness, DEI, the green movement, and the “scarcity” of earth’s natural resources. Perhaps we stood firm on the virtues of the nuclear family, freedom, faith and pursuit of peace. We helped to expose those deeds done in darkness by the deep state and sought to rescue our people and nation from this evil. Covid was a time of testing. He did not utilize fear or force like so many during that time. In a time of great confusion, lies, fear etc he remained steady and tried to do what he believed to be right. I defer judgement to God and His wisdom, grace and mercy for that whole thing.

    Is it possible that maybe we in have, like our Father in Heaven, in some small way cast down that ole serpent, the devil, who is the false accuser of the brethren? I really don’t know for sure. But I will continue in the faith, love, and hope of Jesus Christ not looking for evil but looking for that Blessed Hope of His appearing, continuing in those things he has entrusted to us (by His great grace and mercies). I will try to live one day at a time for today is the day of salvation always and forever.

    Having said all of this we must remember that at any time all of us are in danger of falling away from the faith in the grace of God, so we must remain watchful for that, being in constant prayer for ourselves, our families, our leaders and all people. Not making any man or other thing an idol but simply supporting each person as members of the same body of Christ which is Holy. I know many will have strong objections to what I have said but I just ask that you prayerfully consider my words. Blessings.

    Let us remember to have grace for each other as we try to lay hold of what is true and right, being helpful and not seeking to destroy each other, but with humility let us figure this out respectfully.

  47. Zach

    Biden, the Faustian bargain and the American republic

    In 1973, Joe Biden began his long tenure in Washington. Right at that same time, on January 22nd, the Supreme Court rendered its Roe v Wade decision. Later that year Biden was in Israel when the Yom Kippur war took place.

    Fast forward decades. In 2021 (which is 22/1 if you drop the zero), Biden came back to Washington to serve his final term there. This was 73 years after Israel became a modern nation. In this year Roe v Wade was overturned. And in Biden’s final tenure in Washington another surprise attack on Israel took place with a major ensuing war.

    The parallels are striking. However Biden’s behavior in 1973 was quite different from his behavior today. In 1973 there was a political opening for an anti abortion Democrat. Biden has long claimed to be personally opposed to abortion. In 2021, however Biden was literally almost the last representative of an extinct breed. A decision had to be made. Could he save American democracy? If so, he had to toe the party’s feminist line on the need to codify Roe back into law. And that is what Biden and Harris have campaigned on.

    Chants of “Genocide Joe” and God’s exposure of Biden

    I believe it’s very significant that in light of these facts, Joe Biden is being exposed internationally as the facilitator of the mass slaughter of children in Gaza. “You are my hammer and weapon of war” – Jeremiah 51:20. If abortion is rightfully called a silent genocide, I believe God has plastered horrific images of mangled and dead Gazan children all over social media and newspaper front pages as a response. Biden’s Faustian bargain – I can save our country only if I compromise on the issue of life in the womb, sweeping it under the rug – has been internationally exposed, if in a roundabout way. Biden’s popularity plummeted as a result.

    Biden was the youngest Senator in 1973. He is the oldest president in 2024. Now the last living anti abortion Democrat is no longer in control of his party. He has had his crown figuratively stripped from his head, in public, by members of his own party.

    “Shall I not punish them for these things? declares the Lord, and shall I not avenge myself on a nation such as this?” – Jeremiah 9:9

  48. Zach

    Many have been pointing out the similarities between this year and 1968.

    In 1968, President Johnson stood down from his party’s nomination in large part because his popularity had dwindled as a result of Vietnam. In 2024 President Biden did the same in part due to the Gaza war.

    In 1968 the DNC, held in Chicago, was beset by anti war protestors. In 2024 the DNC is also being held in Chicago and is also being beset by young anti war protestors.

    In 1968 Robert Kennedy was running for the ticket before he was assassinated. In 2024 his son RFK Jr. is also running for president.

    In 1968 the assassinations of MLK Jr. and RFK shocked the nation. In 2024 the assassination attempt on Trump also shocked the nation.

    Johnson’s vice president Hubert Humphrey won the nomination for the Democratic ticket in 1968. He served Minnesota. In 2024, Tim Walz from Minnesota is on the Harris ticket. Harris herself is Biden’s VP.

    I believe it’s useful to ask why God is showing us all these uncanny similarities.

    JFK, LBJ and Biden

    JFK and Biden are the only two Catholic presidents in American history. This fact always struck me, and prompted me to wonder how these men have acted in office.

    JFK was obviously a flawed man in his personal life, but one argument about his presidency that has been made is that he was about to start pulling troops out of Vietnam before he was shot. LBJ, a creature of the military industrial complex, then took power and we got dragged deeply into that war.

    Is God trying to say, “No, Biden isn’t JFK. He’s LBJ”? Like LBJ, Biden took office after a traumatic national event (the assassination of a president in LBJs case, and the Jan 6 storming of the capitol in Biden’s case). As a result both presidents tried to serve as bipartisan presidents, healing divides. Like LBJ, Biden has focused on civil rights legislation, particularly voting rights. And like LBJ, Biden’s popularity was ruined amongst young people in his party because like LBJ, Biden is not only a creature of the abortion industrial complex, he’s also long been a creature of the military industrial complex. Joe Biden is not someone who tries to buck the system. Biden *is* the system. He’s a “go along to get along” type guy.

    LBJ died on January 22nd, 1973.

    Similarities between Nixon and Trump

    Nixon won the 1968 election. Below are some similarities between Nixon and Trump.

    “When the president does it, that means it isn’t illegal.” That notorious Nixon quote is reflected in Trump saying his illegal actions as president are covered by immunity.

    “I’m the law and order president.” This central plank of Nixon’s approach is reflected in Trump’s response to protestors. Trump told supporters that people protesting Israel’s actions should be deported.

    “The media is the enemy of the people.” Trump’s oft repeated line was a sentiment Nixon also shared.

    “I represent the silent majority.” Nixon’s use of this phrase has been parroted verbatim by Trump many times. The phrase is used to refer to people who don’t protest or rock the boat.

    Nixon was going to be impeached before he decided to step down. In later years with a much more corrupt GOP, Trump was impeached twice yet Republicans ensured that those impeachments failed to convict Trump.

    In 1968 Nixon worked behind the scenes to scuttle Vietnam peace talks. There is recent reporting that Trump has acted similarly with regard to Israel.

    Richard Nixon’s Washington career began when he was first elected to office in 1946. Donald Trump was born in 1946.

    I’m not going to prognosticate about who is going to win this year’s election. No matter who wins, judgment is surely coming to America. But I do believe God is drawing our attention to these many similarities between 2024 and 1968.

    The two eleven minute videos and the Dow crossing 40,000

    After Biden dropped out of the race, he filmed a video from the Oval Office. I realize video run times can vary, but the version I saw was precisely eleven minutes long. Eleven is the number for division and judgment. In this video Biden reaffirmed his commitment to being pro choice. A few days later Harris gave a speech after meeting with Netanyahu in Washington. Again the version of this video I saw lasted precisely eleven minutes. In this speech Harris concluded by saying “I will not be silent” about the killing of innocent civilians in Gaza. Yet she will be silent about the silent genocide of abortion.

    Recently the Dow Jones passed 40,000. Approximately at the same time the Gaza death toll passed 40,000.

    “And when they say to you ‘Why do you groan?’ you shall say ‘Because of the news that it is coming.'” – Ezekiel 21:7

  49. Kristi

    Beloved brethren, magnify the Lord in your inner most being. Lift up Holy hands and give thanks to the Lord. Magnify Him with song. Give a gift to these affected areas: NC, GA, FL, TN, etc lifting it up to God and bless it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and believe God will multiply it that everyone has their needs met. Pray in faith that the Glory of God will come and aid and deliver these people and us all. Keep your mind on whatsoever things are true, lovely, and good report. We pray that many who are presumed dead will be found alive and well. Those injured will be healed. We pray that the work of rebuilding and repair will be done with joy and ease and expedience not with toil that brings sorrow. Father we pray that you arise and your enemies be scattered that Blackrock will be cast out and you will give us a White Stone whose cornerstone is Jesus Christ to help with rebuilding. We pray that you Father will raise up a mighty people, strong, who know the Lord God, who will do exploits that your Glory will be seen by all and people everywhere will give thanks to God and to Jesus Christ, the Holy One of God, who is OUR vanguard and rear guard. My friends we have nothing to lose and everything to gain if we give thanks for all things, praying the prayers of faith, hoping for the Glory of God, and rejoicing in the Spirit always magnifying Him and His love, grace, mercy, and help. Resist the enemy and he will flee from you. Resist the fake news and believe the Gospel of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Keep your mind and heart fixed on the goodness and power of God and His Christ who defeated the enemy of our souls. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Play Gospel music and sing all day in your homes, cars, and at work until the Bright and Morning Star arises in your heart. Give thanks always and again I say Rejoice! Amen.

  50. Kristi

    If FEMA or any other entity tries to confiscate your gifts and supplies to those in need or tries to hinder your help or aid you kindly, yet firmly tell them:
    The first amendment of the Constitution says that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. I am here in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ as His Ambassador in obedience to His law to love my neighbor thereby fulfilling His Will. These items are gifts in His Name, not FEMA, not government. To oppose me in this effort is to oppose the will of the Living God. To reject me, is to reject the Lord, to steal from me, is to steal from the Lord according to Luke 10:16. You will also be in violation of the Supreme Law of this Land: The Constitution of the Unites States of America.

    God has given us the power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions.. use it.

  51. Kristi

    Heavenly Father, we ask you that you would send the Angel of the Lord to bind the prince of the power of the air that we might fly our helicopters in your heavens, your skies, and rescue our families, friends, and neighbors. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  52. Zach

    Isaiah 58:1:

    “Shout it aloud, do not hold back.
    Raise your voice like a trumpet.
    Declare to my people their rebellion
    and to the descendants of Jacob their sins.”

    Trump’s Birthday and Psalm 146

    I recently came across a citation of Psalm 146 in regard to Trump. Trump’s birthday is 14/6, like Psalm 146. Here is that Psalm:

    “Praise the Lord.[a]

    Praise the Lord, my soul.

    2 I will praise the Lord all my life;
    I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
    3 Do not put your trust in princes,
    in human beings, who cannot save.
    4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
    on that very day their plans come to nothing.
    5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
    whose hope is in the Lord their God.

    6 He is the Maker of heaven and earth,
    the sea, and everything in them—
    he remains faithful forever.
    7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed
    and gives food to the hungry.
    The Lord sets prisoners free,
    8 the Lord gives sight to the blind,
    the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
    the Lord loves the righteous.
    9 The Lord watches over the foreigner
    and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
    but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

    10 The Lord reigns forever,
    your God, O Zion, for all generations.

    Praise the Lord.”

    What strikes me about this Psalm is that it directs us not to idolize princes, or rulers, who claim the ability to “save” us. It affirms that those idolized princes’ plans will come to nothing. And this quote is also quite interesting in the context of Trump’s abusive demonization of immigrants:

    “The Lord watches over the foreigner
    and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
    but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.”

    Trump’s birthday and John 14:6

    John 14:6:

    “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

    We are not to place our faith or hope in any leader, no matter how charismatic he or she might be. Our faith and hope are to be placed in Jesus Christ alone. Yes we are commanded to pray for our rulers. However when we see evils taking place and sin being madly idolized we should also call it out. I pray that Trump repents and comes to the Lord, but only he can ultimately make the decision to do that.

    Trump and the Tower of Babel

    There might be echoes of Trump in the story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.

    Nimrod is described as a mighty hunter. Trump could be described as both mighty (extremely wealthy and famous, and soon to again control the world’s most powerful military) and a hunter or predator. There are many news stories describing Trump as a sexual harasser or even assaulter (predator; he “grabbed them by the p****”).

    In Jewish and Christian tradition Nimrod is described as the leader of those who built the Tower of Babel. This tower was built of baked bricks and mortar.

    Trump Tower was a rare instance of a skyscraper built with a concrete frame instead of a steel frame.

    The Tower of Babel was where the one language was confused into many languages.

    Trump Tower includes residents from literally all over the globe, speaking their own unique languages. There are people there from Japan, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Mexico, Haiti, Qatar, etc., and of course America as well. So literally when walking around Trump Tower you will hear a massive confusion of tongues.

    Trump Tower is a skyscraper the name of which gives glory to Trump himself – not to God. Similarly the Tower of Babel was built in order to make a name for the people. “Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may *make a name for ourselves* ; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” By naming Trump Tower after himself, Trump was making a name for himself in the business world.

    The Tower of Babel was intended to be a mechanism to collect people from all over the world. Similarly New York City collects immigrants from all over the world.

    From Wikipedia:

    “Josephus wrote:[10]

    Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if He should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to reach. And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers. Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower, neither sparing any pains, nor being in any degree negligent about the work: and, by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it, it grew very high, sooner than any one could expect; but the thickness of it was so great, and it was so strongly built, that thereby its great height seemed, upon the view, to be less than it really was. It was built of burnt brick, cemented together with mortar, made of bitumen, that it might not be liable to admit water. When God saw that they acted so madly, He did not resolve to destroy them utterly, since they were not grown wiser by the destruction of the former sinners; but He caused a tumult among them, by producing in them diverse languages, and causing that, through the multitude of those languages, they should not be able to understand one another. The place wherein they built the tower is now called Babylon, because of the confusion of that language which they readily understood before; for the Hebrews mean by the word Babel, confusion …”

    Wikipedia again on Trump Tower:

    “The tower is a reinforced concrete shear wall core structure. At the time of its completion, it was the tallest structure of its type in the world.[25]”

    Many associate the Tower of Babel with ancient Sumerian temples. From a book titled “The Age of God-Kings”:

    “Increasingly, as the economy of Sumer grew, temples came to resemble miniature cities. In addition to the priests and other figures involved in religious rites, a temple housed corps of singers and musicians. There was a household staff that included cooks, maids, weavers and courtyard sweepers. Small armies of field workers, many of whom were slaves, toiled in the temple’s fields and granaries; secular officials administered the temple’s various agricultural enterprises. Local artisans contracted with the temple to provide pottery, furniture, metal implements and other goods. The bounty of the temple was enormous; for example, soon after 3000 BC, the temple in the city of Lagash was providing a daily bread and beer ration for no fewer than 1,200 people.”

    This description reminds one of the busy, multifaceted goings-on in Trump Tower.

    Wikipedia says Trump Tower is 58 stories tall. From Psalm 58:

    Do you rulers indeed speak justly?
    Do you judge people with equity?
    2 No, in your heart you devise injustice,
    and your hands mete out violence on the earth.

    Proverbs 6:14:

    “who plots evil with deceit in his heart—
    he always stirs up conflict.”

    There are language translation apps now that facilitate communication between people of different languages. One of them is even called Babel.

    So now when it is possible for all these people from different countries to communicate with one language learning app named Babel, another mighty and famous hunter comes along, ascribing his tower to himself and not to God, in one of the key cities in a country that resonates with ancient Babylon. The word confusion can be broken up into two words: a Con (or Fake) Fusion of tongues. The ten toes on Daniel’s statue are made of iron and clay and only have a seeming ability to fuse these elements (they are liable to disintegrate). The Tower of Babel is built of bricks (BRICS?).

    The end times is a time when mass confusion will reign. As described in Matthew 24:10-11:

    “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people”

    The ten toes of mixed iron and clay disintegrate because the elements fail to mix properly. In the end times an effort will be made to again get the whole world to think one way; yet as with the Tower of Babel the effort will fall apart into confusion.

    The Tower Trump

    In addition to there being a Trump Tower, there is also, bizarrely, a Tower Trump card in tarot decks.

    Wikipedia describes it:

    “According to A. E. Waite’s 1910 book The Pictorial Key to the Tarot,[9] the Tower card is associated with:

    16. THE TOWER.– Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin. It is a card in particular of unforeseen catastrophe. Reversed: Negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, distraction, apathy, nullity, vanity.”

    Matthew 24:10: “*At that time*”
    24×10 is 240
    1776 to 2016 is 240 years (when Trump was first elected)
    Tower trump card 16

  53. Kristi

    What Vivek and Elon fail to understand is that one prom queen who, with simple faith, prays and reads the Word of Christ does far more to uphold and advance the USA than thousands of godless techies who worship the sacred cow of AI, which is quickly vaunting humanity off a cliff whether purposefully or not. It is Christ who makes men free. This is the beginning of wisdom and intelligence, reverence for Jesus. Christendom is what makes this country great. We see the same inherent value in the least of these, say a person with Down Syndrome, as a “highly skilled” person with an IQ of 200. So even if it is “truth” (which it is not) that Americans are “dumb” and “lazy” it is Christ who redeems man not silicon valley.

  54. Kristi

    The highly skilled and productive people of India need to get their own house (nation) in order before they seek to remedy ours. The people there remain under a shameful caste system that produces profound poverty for vast swaths of people with NO hope of improvement in their quality of life. When people begin flooding your country to enjoy the fruits of your success then we might consider your ways, until then put the American people first in the USA for a change.

    As for India, the Indian people (all of them) should be first there as well. Let Indians make India great and Americans make America great. Why do all the largely ethnocentric countries like India, China, Israel, and others scream foul (racism) when the U.S. desires to retain and guard some semblance of our culture, beliefs, and virtues which is rooted in Christendom not ethnicity. Hypocrites all of you.

    • MP

      Great points Kristi! This caused myself and many others to look more deeply at how we interpret scripture. Who is Jacob? Who are the Jews? Who is being described in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Who are the globalists? Why is it only predominantly White/Anglo-European countries who are being invaded. Despite policy differences the one thing the Israel controlled left and right agree is we need more brown and black people from the third world to eliminate the white race (already 6% worldwide).

  55. Kristi

    I am sorry for the delayed response. I find I don’t have a word to say. I will however share that I have been reading the 1599 Geneva Bible and all the notations that are included with each chapter. I find that these folks had a fundamentally different understanding of bible prophecy, Israel, and Zion. I also find it interesting to ponder that, likely with this Bible in hand, the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact a mere 20 years after this printing in November 1620. I wonder if they believed that America was the land promised by God wherein he would gather all his dispersed from throughout the world?

  56. Kristi

    The CEO of Turo, the car rental company used by the terrorist in New Orleans, previously worked for Booz Allen Hamilton which was called “the worlds most profitable spy organization” by Bloomberg.

  57. Kristi

    Ryan Routh visited Fort Bragg (Liberty) 147 times. He stayed overnight 29 times.

    Both Routh and the Vegas terrorist were recruiting soldiers to fight in Ukraine. All three (New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Routh) are connected to Fort Bragg. A Psychological Operations facility is located at Bragg also.

    I still think Booz Allen Hamilton and Turo CEO Haddad are an important link since Snowden and Harold Martin III, two NSA whistleblowers, worked for them as contractors. As did James Clapper and many others.

  58. Kristi

    Netanyahu was obviously set back on his heels at the press conference with Trump. While applying the “appropriate” public face Netanyahu’s surprise and irritation were palpable. Trump also went into considerable detail numerous times of emphasizing the utter destruction and uninhabitability for life, much less quality of life for the Palestinians. Whether one thinks it for the better or the worse, Trump absolutely played this hand like a boss and Netanyahu lost.

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