Our friends at the CDC began a probe in January specifically targeting the effects of vinyl chloride on human health. Coincidentally, days later the largest test case ensued. 70 days before the nightmare that has befallen East Palestine, a movie filmed in the areas surrounding East Palestine was released. “White Noise” included residents of East Palestine in the film. The plot was a train crash that resulted in a cloud of chemical waste over the town where an “Airborne Toxic Event” forced a mass evacuation.
We have some interesting connections with Ukraine and the 2024 solar eclipse as well. My first post in over two years, perhaps it’s that interesting or by the grace of God I’ve begun again to focus on the playwright rather than the actors. It’s probably both.
The astute observer has become increasingly adept in identifying certain patterns that exist surrounding major stories. While most of these patterns should be discernible by anyone, far too many have become compromised by the incessant song of fools. A cacophony of artificial script readers devoid of dignity, soulless and without love for truth.
UFO’s and hot air balloons dominated the medium of programming after a mushroom cloud reminiscent of Nagasaki blanketed a small Ohio town. The only reporter asking questions was dramatically carted away in handcuffs. Nothing to see here = strap on the scuba gear let’s go for a dive.
One who has escaped the deluge of propaganda is aware of the concept of predictive programming. Programming on one level, acclimates the target to experience an emotional response to fictional events. Just as an alcoholic becomes increasingly immune to the effects of a few drinks, so too the normie when their outrage barometer has become throttled by dopamine through false reality. While present almost universally, predictive programming is a sedative, it says don’t get too outraged, this is relatively normal.
What we are witnessing now is shot calling akin to Babe Ruth pointing into the stands in the 1932 World Series. The brazen nature of what is taking place is meant to demoralize oneself and cause them to feel helpless. Everything is a humiliation ritual. It serves a purpose and it is effective if your hope lies in the past, what was once seen. What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? Vote harder?
Recent shot caller examples Fauci and Gates.
January 2017: Fauci declared in no uncertain terms that there would be a deadly pandemic during Trump’s administration.
February 2017: Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People.
Astonishing but not surprising is something I’ve found myself saying a lot lately. Prior to Covid a global pandemic simulation called Event 201 took place. Event 201 took place on October 18, 2019, the very same day the World Military Games held their opening ceremonies in Wuhan, China of all places. This was the first such event to take place in Wuhan. 10,000 athletes from over 100 counties would attend.
- October 18, 2019 Event 201 simulated a global coronavirus pandemic
- October 18, 2019 World Military Games holds their opening ceremonies in Wuhan.
- January 20, First confirmed case of the coronavirus in US
- January 21, Dr. Fauci says “This is not a major threat for the people in the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
- January 22, Netflix releases “Pandemic: How To Prevent an Outbreak”
“America’s Chernobyl” takes place while America is escalating the war in the land of Chernobyl as that land fights the country who was responsible for the original Chernobyl disaster.
We will cover the 2 most remarkable “coincidences” I have stumbled across thus far involving East Palestine. Additionally, I will include some honorable mentions and simple observations that will only be appreciated by the hardcore crows.
- Days before the East Palestine train derailment that included 14 cars carrying vinyl chloride the CDC released a “Toxicological Profile for Vinyl Chloride, Draft for Public Comment.”
- A movie was released in 2022 where a cataclysmic train accident casts a cloud of chemical waste over the town. This “Airborne Toxic Event” forces a massive evacuation, which leads to a major traffic jam on the highway. Many of the extras were East Palestine residents as it was filmed in and around Salem.
Vinyl Chloride
Why did one of the largest ecological disasters in US history have to involve vinyl chloride and why did it have to be 3 days after the January 2023 CDC report?
Vinyl chloride, a substance most never heard about until East Palestine, was #4 on the 2022 priority list after arsenic, lead and mercury.
The CDC really wants to learn about how this substance impacts human health. Toxic substances don’t usually lend themselves to large double blind placebo human studies. How convenient that tens of thousands were just exposed to its various forms from a perspective that will allow for observations far beyond any lab setting.
This is reminiscent of another theory that has been floated about regarding mass experimentation of an untested drug through which the CDC effectively executed a bait and switch faux approval to a grossly unsuspecting population.
Below are some screenshots of note from the 293 page report.
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is a federal public health agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The agency focuses on minimizing human health risks associated with exposure to hazardous substances. It works closely with other federal, state, and local agencies; tribal governments; local communities; and healthcare providers. Its mission is to “Serve the public through responsive public health actions to promote healthy and safe environments and prevent harmful exposures.”
White Noise (1985 + 2022)
“random talk without meaningful contents”
A metaphor for the propaganda to which many of us have become immune, through the employment of God given attributes such as logic and common sense. After a while it’s just white noise. A frequency that hums in the background.
When I hear the phrase “white noise” I think “song of fools”. It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools – Ecclesiastes 7:5. Much of what has become of us is a result of the gravitational pull that lies in one’s desire to feel validated by others no matter how vapid. This is white noise, the song of fools.
The term is sometimes used as a colloquialism to describe a backdrop of ambient sound, creating an indistinct or seamless commotion. Following are some examples: Chatter from multiple conversations within the acoustics of a confined space. The pleonastic jargon used by politicians to mask a point that they don’t want noticed. Music that is disagreeable, harsh, dissonant or discordant with no melody. The term can also be used metaphorically, as in the novel White Noise (1985) by Don DeLillo which explores the symptoms of modern culture that came together so as to make it difficult for an individual to actualize their ideas and personality.
The train derailment took place exactly 70 days after White Noise premiered in the US.
How many movies have as its central plot a cataclysmic train accident that casts a cloud of chemical waste over the town where an “Airborne Toxic Event” forces a mass evacuation?
Further, what is the likelihood that it was filmed in and around a 50 mile radius of the event it foretold and that it would include residents of the small town as extras?
White Noise (1985 Novel) The exact geographical setting of White Noise is unidentified, but elements of the novel evoke the Midwestern United States, especially the Rust Belt and Upper Midwest. The fictional Iron City shares its name with the Pittsburgh beer company of the same name. Critic John Pistelli wrote that a Midwestern setting was “thematically appropriate to the novel’s concern with the vanishing of labor and laboring know-how.”
East Palestine family cast as extras in a Netflix film call train derailment ‘eerily similar’.
Not only was the event itself an exceedingly rare occurrence at scale, but it’s proximity both in time and space is in the realm of astronomical probability. A thinking individual is left to conclude either it was yet another astronomical coincidence or it was planned. To continually believe in repeating astronomical coincidences is delusional.
Additional Thoughts and Observations…
America’s Chernobyl
Chernobyl was an environmental disaster in Ukraine. Russia built the nuclear power plant. Russia invades Ukraine. The US funds the war and is the reason Russia is still fighting. Ukraine is and has been a US money laundering operation. US has its own Chernobyl.
Russia invaded Ukraine 7 years, 7 months and 7 days after the 777 was shot down over Ukraine.
MH17 was shot down on 7/17 in 2014.
The train derailment took place 11 months and 11 days from the day the Russian invasion in Ukraine began.
11 is the number for chaos and disorder. It is the demolition of all spheres of existence causing people to demand order. The insanity becomes such an egregious violation of natural law that it necessitates some form of order.
As far as I know Malaysia Airlines is the only airline that has a trident as its symbol. Likewise, if there is another country known by the trident it is certainly not as recognizable as Ukraine.
This is important because the trident is the symbol of Poseidon. Poseidon is the name of the torpedo Russia has deployed that is able to create a radioactive tsunami.
Russia produces first set of Poseidon super torpedoes.
Satellite revealed the carrier of Russian nuclear ‘monster’ Poseidon.
Further, Poseidon is the “Beast of the Sea”.
Poseidon is a symbol of the antichrist. The antichrist is set to take the stage.
Adding to the chaos and disorder theme we see Shiva with the trident or trishula outside of CERN.
God of All Things = GOAT
Greatest of All Time = GOAT
Baphomet = Goat god
In under 1 month we see multiple record breaking chicken farm fires and an avian flu scare where chickens are being put to death. We have have chickens that stopped laying eggs from poisoned feed from a company where the board has ties to WEF and Jeffrey Epstein. We have studies that demonstrate eggs can help the bodies immunity against Covid and simultaneously a fear campaign talking about prostate risk and mortality. At the same time the vegan egg is rolled out.
Now we witness the largest ecological disaster in the history of the midwest in the very heart of the largest egg production in the nation where the largest population of self sustaining organic farmers (Amish) reside.
75,000 farms in Ohio, 90% of which are owned by families.
Top 10 egg producing states 3 of top 4 directly impacted this explosion.
A row of birds dead show up in Indiana, part of the fallout zone.
Here is a parking lot full of dead birds in Lexington, KY 350 miles away from East Palestine…
The area poisoned is Amish country. There is no people group in the US less dependent on the state than the Amish. The federal government raided Amish farmers in August 2022. The Biden administration recently sent armed federal agents to Miller’s Organic Farm and demanded the farm cease its operations immediately. The authorities also ordered $300,000 in fines, an amount enough to put the small, family-owned farm out of business.
Chemical Warfare Against The Amish. In this thread we’ll examine why the East Palestine Ohio ‘Chemical Accident’ may have been a coordinated attack from state actors to harm the agricultural community known as “The Amish” by poisoning the rainwater & arable land in the area.
Eggs are the least expensive and most bioavailable source of animal protein and it is not even close.
Eggs protect against Covid. If you don’t want to believe that healthy foods strengthen your immune system against Covid and everything else you can Google to find a slew of fact checkers debunking the articles below.
Dairy-Derived and Egg White Proteins in Enhancing Immune System Against COVID-19.
Shanghai veteran doctor says eating four eggs a day can help COVID-19 patients recover.
Chicken egg yolk antibodies (IgY)-based antivenom for neutralization of snake venoms: a review.
You are to believe that all the chicken farms getting torched are just a coincidence as well. These are just two of the recent ones less than a week apart. Food Processing Plants And Distribution Centers Are Burning Down. *UPDATE 11* One Of Largest US Egg Suppliers Burns Down.
New Zealand A fire at a chicken farm in Orini has killed 50,000 egg-laying hens.
Multiple companies battle fire at egg farm in Bozrah.
Are truckers getting paid to dump eggs?
Vegan Egg Makes Its Debut in US Restaurants This Week
Why do they start with the nonsensical egg fear mongering right as they are torching egg farms? I try to eat a dozen per day so I find this quite annoying. Eat bugs, take your shot and avoid animal protein. Why I Eat 4 to 5 Eggs a Day – Eggs and Cholesterol – Dr.Berg on Benefits of Eating Eggs.
East Palestine, It’s Pretty Biblical
East Palestine was founded in 1828 as Mechanicsburg, and incorporated as a village in 1875 as East Palestine after the region of Palestine. The name was changed as part of a religious nomenclature in the area, including communities such as Enon Valley and New Galilee, Pennsylvania.
East Palestine vs Palestine, East Jerusalem, known as Gaza.
East Jerusalem = Palestine.
It is part of the Salem micropolitan area.
The Great American Eclipse in 2017 crossed over 7 Salems.
America’s Chernobyl took place 430 days before the Great American Eclipse #2 which takes place on April 8, 2024.
430 years is mentioned specifically as the number of years when God fulfilled his covenant to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt.
And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. Galatians 3:17
The “X” or point of intersection between the two eclipses that cross over the United States on August 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024 is known as “Little Egypt”.
X is a cross. It is also “Tav” in ancient Hebrew.
Tav is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The King of Kings is known as The Alpha and Omega, The Aleph and Tav, The First and The Last. He has no beginning and His soon coming reign will have no end.
Conclusion – Liberty and Noise
This image from East Palestine says much. Many things come to mind from this picture but rather than make this much longer I would like to hear your thoughts and we can discuss in comments.
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17
In closing, I speak as much to myself as I do any of you. These last couple years have been taxing as my mind attempts to corral the incessant rush of insanity. In the midst of the noise I was comfortable aligning myself with the right side, that is the side of logic and sanity.
As if I was to expect the end would look any different. What was I going to do? Come up with a set of data points to prove that we are being lied to and convince those who embrace the lies to join team truth? Were my efforts going to stop the inevitable rise of evil? Perhaps it was fatalism under the bombardment of gaslighting. Or a god complex thinking I could turn back the tide and in the process ended up doing nothing but buy storable food and test my wife’s patience by pacing around ranting.
I appreciate what America was and the purpose it served throughout history. It wasn’t until more recently that I grew to understand how truly unique any form of liberty was within a nation state. Tyranny has always been the order of the day but for the brief exception that was The United States. United no more, divided we fall. We have fallen.
Many with whom I would say align with my beliefs politically tend to embrace a false hope. This is delusional and a part of them knows it as well. An eternal optimist and a fighter never wants to admit defeat. They believe hope against hope. There is no honor in folding it in but there is a glory in understanding the times.
Let us understand the times and embrace the only hope offered us. Liberty built upon an idol of the past is nothing but bondage to an idea rooted in temporal pleasure. The forces of darkness have amassed in great number. The eye of Sauron is fixed upon us but for a short season. This battle was never intended to be fought by human might, the sword of man cannot continually hit the pause button on what has been decreed.
Let us embrace this new season, the brief final chapter of the age with liberty in our hearts.
It seems to me that we often, almost sulkily, reject the good that God offers us because, at that moment, we expected some other good. Do you know what I mean? On every level of our life…we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. God shows us a new facet of the glory, and we refuse to look at it because we’re still looking for the old one. And of course we don’t get that. You can’t, at the twentieth reading, get again the experience of reading Lycidas for the first time. But what you do get can be in its own way as good.
And the joke, or tragedy, of it all is that these golden moments in the past, which are so tormenting if we erect them into a norm, are entirely nourishing, wholesome, and enchanting if we are content to accept them for what they are, for memories. Properly bedded down in a past which we do not miserably try to conjure back, they will send up exquisite growths. Leave the bulbs alone, and the new flowers will come up. Grub them up and hope, by fondling and sniffing, to get last year’s blooms, and you will get nothing. “Unless a seed die…” CS Lewis, Letters to Malcom
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